Pomegranate K fresh dishwashing liquid – 750ml

Pomegranate K fresh dishwashing liquid – 750ml

Cleanliness and exquisite fragrance
A strong fragrance, vivid colour, high effectiveness of washing of any type of kitchenware: these are K dishwashing liquids, Fresh series. The pomegranate K fresh dishwashing liquid was made of high quality ingredients. It effectively eliminates major stains and facilitates washing any type of kitchenware, making it clean and lustrous. It soaks, moisturises and softens dried meals and emulsifies grease, which makes dishwashing easy, while the accompanying fresh fragrance certainly makes it more pleasant.

What else is worth knowing about the pomegranate K fresh dishwashing liquid?
• It is environment-friendly and its surfactants are easily biodegradable
• Dermatological tests have confirmed that it is well tolerated by the skin

Cleanliness and exquisite fragrance
A strong fragrance, vivid colour, high effectiveness of washing of any type of kitchenware: these are K dishwashing liquids, Fresh series. The pomegranate K fresh dishwashing liquid was made of high quality ingredients. It effectively eliminates major stains and facilitates washing any type of kitchenware, making it clean and lustrous. It soaks, moisturises and softens dried meals and emulsifies grease, which makes dishwashing easy, while the accompanying fresh fragrance certainly makes it more pleasant.

What else is worth knowing about the pomegranate K fresh dishwashing liquid?
• It is environment-friendly and its surfactants are easily biodegradable
• Dermatological tests have confirmed that it is well tolerated by the skin

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